miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

Copywriting Tips That Will Make Your Visitors Buy!

Copywriting Tips That Will Make Your Visitors Buy!

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You wouldn't believe how many web sites don't ask for the sale! After all the work people put into their salescopy, describing the benefits of their product, and leading people through their sales process, they overlook one simple but VERY IMPORTANT "call to action": "Click here now to buy."

advertising copywriting, becoming a copywriting consultant, copywriting, copywriting basics, copywriting jobs, copywriting techniques, freelance copywriting, online copywriting, persuasive compywriting, profit boosters copywriting, search engine copy

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Copyright 2006 John Navata

You wouldn't believe how many web sites don't ask for the sale! After all the work people put into their salescopy, describing the benefits of their product, and leading people through their sales process, they overlook one simple but VERY IMPORTANT "call to action": "Click here now to buy."

And that oversight could be losing them 20% of their potential sales!

If you want people to take action on your site (buy, subscribe, fill out a request for more info, etc.), you need to have a call to action that tells them exactly what you want them to do. For example, if you want them to click on a link to learn more about one of your products, you have to include a link that says something like, "Click here to see how the Gadget Widget can save you hours of work!!"

And if you want your visitors to make a purchase (and of course, you do!) you should include a link that says something like, "Click here to get your own incredible time-saving Gadget Widget!"

You might think it's obvious that you want people to make a purchase -- especially if you've written a great sales pitch that explains how incredible your product is. But no matter how convincing your salescopy is, if you don't provide your potential customers with a very specific call to action, then you're just leaving them hanging -- and most of them are going to leave your site and never return, costing you big money in sales AND future leads.

Remember the "ABC" of selling: Always Be Closing. People need to be told what to do. If you want them to make a purchase, you have to ask for the sale.

And if you have a short-copy or catalog-style site, don't make the mistake of asking for the sale just once! You have to give your visitors lots of opportunities to buy your product or service. All of your web pages should include multiple links to your order form or shopping cart, as well as urgency-building action phrases like...

"Buy today!" "Limited time offer -- get yours now!" "What are you waiting for? Click this link to order your own... " "Get started today... just click here!" "YES! I want to order now... " (Remember, salesletters are the one exception to this rule. With these types of sales web sites, you usually want to include a single call to action at the end of your letter -- once you've built a killer case for your product, complete with tons of benefits!)

One more thing: You've got to leave all references to "buying" out of the top fold of your web site. That's the part of your web page that appears on the computer screen when someone first arrives at your site. If you mention buying there, people won't have enough time to learn WHY they should purchase your product, and will probably think you're just out for their money. You want your potential customers to learn about the benefits of your product before you ask for the sale.

Asking for the sale is simple, but the impact it can have on your bottom line is huge. By adding a simple call to action, you make it easy for your visitors to understand what they're supposed to do. And once they know they're supposed to buy something from you, they will -- and your profits will go shooting through the roof!


Copywriting Skills can Improve eBay eBook Sales

Copywriting Skills can Improve eBay eBook Sales

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Having a perfect title, a great auction template, a good price and a well-conceived plan regarding how to handle inquiries and effectuate sales sounds like a recipe for success for any eBay eBook seller. However, there is one component missing. In order to really make one's sales numbers jump, there is a need for copywriting talent.

ebay, ebooks, selling ebooks, powerseller, ebay ebooks, private label, planetsms

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Copyright 2006 John Thornhill

Having a perfect title, a great auction template, a good price and a well-conceived plan regarding how to handle inquiries and effectuate sales sounds like a recipe for success for any eBay eBook seller.  However, there is one component missing.  In order to really make one's sales numbers jump, there is a need for copywriting talent.

Copywriting refers to the writing of sales copy.  In the case of eBay sellers, this involves all of the information provided in your auction.  This is what potential customers see and read when making their decision on an eBook.  In many cases, they can choose to buy that product from a variety of vendors.  Why should they choose you?  In some cases, they may not be sure the eBook in question is exactly what they want.  Why should they buy that eBook?  Often, buyers have heard about scams and raw deals in the eBook field.  Why should they trust you?

Good copywriting answers those questions for the prospect.  It sets them at ease, sells them the product and closes the deal.  A seller with a perfect system, the greatest eBook ever and a low price will still find sales difficult without good copywriting within the auction.

How does one develop good copywriting skills?  Unfortunately, the answer does not involve a quick or easy solution.  Practice and training are usually the source of the best copywriting.

This does not mean that the average eBook seller is out of luck, however.  Remember, most of the competition is unskilled at copywriting, making any gain in knowledge on the subject beneficial.  Additionally, there are a variety of guides, hints and tips freely available online for those who are interested in improving their copywriting skills.

Don't expect to master copywriting overnight, however.   The process of writing effective ad copy involves writing skills along with an understanding of persuasion and the consumer psychology.  What may appear to be simple is actually deceptively complex.

For those who are serious about the eBook selling business, hiring a freelance copywriter may be a great idea.  Some successful eBook sellers employ copywriters for virtually every project.  Others rely on their expert assistance only a few times in order to get a good idea of how to write sales copy that produces results.

Good sales copy can be the difference between a rousing success and a horrifying failure.  Too often, we convince ourselves that our education or life experience qualify us to write our advertising copy.  We frequently don't even realize just how much room for improvement exists in our own stabs at copywriting.  This oversight is one of the mistakes an eBook seller can make.  As the marketplace begins to crowd, finding ways to improve the performance of an auction becomes essential.  One of the best ways to help is by making sure your auction features the kind of copywriting that truly leads people to make purchases.


lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

Copywriting Service vs. PLR Membership

Copywriting Service vs. PLR Membership

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A copywriting service has many advantages over a PLR membership.  Knowing these advantages and benefits can both save and make you money.

copywriting service, private label rights,

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In today's day and age there are a lot of people who are looking for an easy way out; a way to buck the system.  And even though there are some areas in life where this is possible, when it comes to web content you do not want to take any shortcuts.

If you are in need of content for your website or blog, you have two options available to you. 

1. You can visit a copywriting service website and take advantage of their ghostwriting services.  Even though you may have to shell out a bit of money, you will still be getting 100% original, quality content.

2. You can rely on private label rights (plr) articles.  There are several sites that offer these types of articles for a monthly fee.  The way that they work is quite simple.  Every month for a set membership fee you will receive a certain number of articles.  This may sound like a good deal, but do you know all of the details?  To join one of these sites you will have to pay a monthly fee of up to $100 for some sites; still this may not seem bad compared to hiring a copywriting service.  But with plr articles, you will also be sharing them with hundreds of other people.  That's right; you will not be the only one who uses the article.

If you cannot tell by now, each service offers its own level of benefits.  But for the majority of people, hiring a copywriting service is the way to go.  Listed below are a few ways that a copywriting service is better than a plr service.

1. When you deal with a copywriting service you will be getting 100% original articles that you and you alone will have the sole rights to.  This means that nobody else has permission to use the articles.  On the other hand, with plr articles you have to share with hundreds of other people.  Sure, you may get a lower price but is it worth it?  If you get caught using duplicate content on your site you will be penalized and your site may even be shut down.  Search engines are aware of this problem, and are cracking down on it very hard.

2. With a copywriting service you will get articles that are written to suit your needs.  If you want 10 articles on home based business you can get them.  In addition, you can even specify the length and keyword density.  But when you work with a plr site you get what they send, and only what they send.  If none of the articles suit your needs you are stuck with content that is worth next to nothing.

3. A copywriting service gives you what you want, when you want it.  If you need a certain amount of articles on a specific topic within two days you can get it with a copywriting service.  At a plr site, you get what they write and they send it when they want.  So even though you will save money, what are the chances that you will ever get exactly what you want, when you want it?  The answer is slim to none.

As you can see, a copywriting service is almost always better than a membership to a PLR site.  If you are in need of original, targeted, quality content seek out a copywriting service that you can rely on.


Copywriting Makeover: Subtle Changes Make A Noticeable Difference Part 1 of 2

Copywriting Makeover: Subtle Changes Make A Noticeable Difference Part 1 of 2

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Changing a few words in your copy can lead to double-digit increases in conversions.  If that sounds like a bunch of hype, stick around and I'll show you how it's done.

copywriting, seo copywriting, search engine copywriting

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Changing a few words in your copy can lead to double-digit increases in conversions.  If that sounds like a bunch of hype from an online infomercial, stick around and I'll show you how it's done.

That's really all that happened with Kneelsit.com, an Australian ergonomic computer chair manufacturer.  They had what would be considered a successful site with a continual stream of orders.  All the basic information was already included on the home page, but the owner felt as though something was not quite "there" yet.  He wanted a fresh approach to the site's copy, so that's what he received.  And the results were simply amazing.

The Problems

While Kneelsit had great rankings for their key terms (normally #1 to #4 in popular search engines) keeping those rankings high required some attention to the SEO piece of the puzzle. Conversions, however, were not at their maximum.  The business was not suffering, but it did have room for improvement.  So, after receiving a sample chair to use during the process, I set (or should I say "sat") out to work.

Once I assembled the chair and rolled it up to my desk, I kept a notepad nearby so I could jot down benefits as I noticed them.  In just a few days' time, I had a long list of features and benefits to refer to. 


However, in this highly competitive industry, I wanted to be sure to keep the uniqueness of the chair on the forefront.  Visitors needed to quickly see that the Kneelsit was superior to other computer chairs available. The changing of some verbiage and providing more details in some areas would help keep visitors reading and help them easily distinguish this chair from others on their comparison list.

Once my list of benefits was completed, I began relating these options to other kneeling chairs and to users of ergonomic computer chairs.  I wanted to see which benefits on my list were unique in the marketplace.  I also wanted to know about the users of these chairs.  After all, the buyer is the center of the process and should also be the focus of the copy.

My research revealed some of the reasons users would need an ergonomic chair and also the biggest complaints about some of the current ergonomic designs.  In addition, I discovered which benefits were common to other ergonomic chairs and which were distinctive.

The Solutions

Armed with the research results, I started crafting the copy to speak to that one person who was forced to sit at a computer all day, in pain, and who desperately needed help.  This person had tried several other computer chairs before with little to no results and was getting skeptical about finding a solution.

I looked back over my list of benefits in search of the ones that would not be found in the competition's copy.  I focused on one exclusive, patented feature (the axle design) and the fact that the chair was customizable for every body type.

I laid out a plan for the new copy including keyword selection, keyword placement, benefits and key points to be mentioned.

Similar in many ways to the original copy, the new version had some subtle, but powerful, changes. The goal of the new copy was to show the true distinction of these chairs by highlighting the most impressive benefits. 

I would also focus on incorporating keyphrases in headlines and sub-heads (where it made sense to do so) and throughout the copy.  I had to pay careful attention to making the copy sound natural, as I never want the SEO factors to overshadow the message of the page.

In Part 2 of this series  we'll take a look at what went into the rewrite as well as what type of results were achieved with the new copy.


sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

Copywriting Makeover: Subtle Changes Make A Big Difference, Part 2 of 2

Copywriting Makeover: Subtle Changes Make A Big Difference, Part 2 of 2

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Changing a few words in your copy can lead to double-digit increases in conversions.  If that sounds like a bunch of hype, stick around and I'll show you how it's done.

copywriting, seo copywriting, search engine copywriting

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In part 1 of this series we were introduced to Kneelsit.com, an Australian manufacturer of ergonomic computer chairs who was in search of a high conversion rate.  After spotting several trouble areas within Kneelsit's original copy  I set out to rewrite the home page with specific goals in mind.

The Rewrite

I really felt for the users of these chairs.  They had back problems and medical issues, trying desperately to find relief.  I can only imagine how it must feel to sit in pain all day, every day.  And, after seeing so many false claims for other chairs, I could understand how they might be skeptical.  So, after reading the new home page copy, I wanted the site visitors to have confidence, to see the difference in the Kneelsit chair and to understand the benefits this chair would offer.

Of course, those in chronic pain were not the only visitors to the Kneelsit site.  While they were the primary segment, the audience also consisted of those with mild back pain, those with inconsistent problems or simple fatigue, and those who simply wanted a comfortable chair that wouldn't contribute to any future back problems.  The copy also needed to meet their needs and provide the information they were seeking.

The Headline

The original headline did, in fact, list benefits.  It stated:

Superb Comfort, Perfect Posture, Gentle Movement, Natural Balance

However, only one of those benefits spoke to audience members… Superb Comfort.  While posture may have been a secondary thought, gentle movement and natural balance didn't strike a chord simply because of a lack of knowledge. As it happens, these two benefits are important, but the general population doesn't understand what they mean.  It would require educating the site visitors about these two before they would grasp their full meaning.  That education couldn't take place within the headline (not enough room!), so those two benefits needed to be removed.

The headline needed to evoke feelings of trust for the skeptical and a sense of stability for the hesitant. It also needed to provide an obvious benefit - one that would catch the reader's attention. 

Also, because it made sense to do so, I included one keyphrase in the headline. The new headline read:

Ergonomic Chair Design Based On Years Of Research Lets You
Sit For Hours With No Back Pain

The Opening Paragraph

The original copy started out just fine by naming some important benefits, but it didn't back them up.  After pointing out the relief of stress and pain, it went directly into an explanation about the chair's patent.

The new copy took a cleaner path.  It started by pointing out that others (users and professionals) liked the chair, and then it proceeded (in the next section) to explain why. 

The original copy tried to educate readers about the importance of continuous movement and natural balance.  There is nothing wrong with educating your customers; however, you need to give ample space to do that.  Because the visitors had limited information about these two benefits on the home page, they may have been confused or - at the least - unpersuaded.

The new copy held firm on one feature: the swivel axel mechanism.  It explained how this helped with customization of settings to fit every body type and more.  With minimal education needed, the customer was able to understand that this one, patented feature offered multiple benefits.

Rather than simply listing shipping details for the close of the copy, the new version of the home page pointed out some additional benefits pertaining to quality and stylishness.

As I wrote, I looked for places to use the keyphrases chosen for this page.  This was absolutely not a numbers game. My goal was not to use the keyphrases as often as I possibly could.  That approach is not SEO copywriting, in my book. 

Basing your copywriting strategy simply on the sheer volume of times you can include keyphrases makes the copy sound forced and ridiculous.  In fact, on this home page, the keyphrases were only used a total of four or five times.  Yet, to the amazement of some, the home page ranks in the top 10 (and often top five) for its chosen key terms.

The Results

Did it work?  Did the changes bring out the results we wanted?  They sure did!  When asked about improved conversions, the owner of Kneelsit.com had this to say, "Our conversion rate has definitely improved since the rewrite…  probably by around 35-40%!" 

Sometimes, even though you may have included important information in your copy, it just doesn't do what you hoped it would.  Take the time to explore, experiment and test.  Replace a headline.  Rephrase a paragraph.  Subtle changes can often make noticeable improvements in conversions and other areas of business.


viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Copywriting For An Online Audience

Copywriting For An Online Audience

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No matter what medium you are using, all copywriting should have one prime objective - create an effective message that appeals to the audience it is intended to influence. This golden rule applies to websites, brochures, and sales letters, even adding a nice message to Grandma's little pink birthday card. However, the Internet presents a number of unique challenges for a copywriter, even if the people reading your sales letters are the same ones reading your website.

freelance copywriter, copywriting, simon hillier, get there, webcopy, website copywriting, online audience, internet, sales letter

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So what's the big deal about copywriting for the Internet? It's the same as any other form of copywriting isn't it? In a word, yes. But in another word, no. Confused? Sick of all these questions? I had better myself explain then.

No matter what medium you are using, all copywriting should have one prime objective - create an effective message that appeals to the audience it is intended to influence. This golden rule applies to websites, brochures, and sales letters, even adding a nice message to Grandma's little pink birthday card. However, the Internet presents a number of unique challenges for a copywriter, even if the people reading your sales letters are the same ones reading your website.

Think about it for a minute. Do you read on the Internet the same way you read on paper? Not for long. First of all, there are comfort factors such as the monitor resolution, colours, glare, and a reading surface that doesn't move. Secondly, we are conditioned to read websites in a different manner. Online, we are quite comfortable scanning sub-headings, clicking on hyperlinks, and jumping between pages.

Thirdly, the majority of people looking at your business website are there because they seek a service that you provide. After all, they made the effort to visit you didn't they? The online reader can be impatient and demanding, and they usually know what they want before they click through he door. If your business doesn't impress them straight away, it's a quick tap on the keyboard to find someone who will. Even if you do provide the product or service they need, it doesn't take much effort to duck into your competitors store for a browse around. Website copywriting is a bit like speed dating – you have to make a big first impression and leave them thinking "I bet we'd be good together".

Readers of hard copy sales material don't have the luxury to pick and choose, so they become somewhat of a captive audience. After all, it takes a lot more effort to call or visit your competitors business in the real world. In addition, a brochure could sit on a potential customers desk for months, staring at them with puppy dog eyes, day in day out, until one day the customer decides to make some enquiries.

With these unique challenges in mind, here are a few copywriting pointers to help make your website a lean, mean, highly effective, sales machine:

1. Snatch their attention from the first paragraph
Most visitors spent less than one minute summing up a website before they decide whether to stay or go. There is no time for waffling paragraphs about who you are, where you live, and how your wife makes the best apple pie. You have to get to the point as fast as you can. If you don't convey your key message in the first few lines, don't expect many people to be around to read them further on.

2. Short paragraphs
If you want people to read your website, forget the long descriptive, romantic prose about the salubrious ambience of your pulchritudinous offer. They will only think you are stercorous (take my word for it, you really don't want to be). Short paragraphs are most effective on the web because they can be differentiated and skimmed at a glance. Visual layout is the key.

3. Make sure your copy flows
Reading online is straining enough. Flowing on from the point above, using jargon, formal language and/or trying to impress your audience with your knowledge of words containing more than ten letters will only make the reader irritated, frustrated and start to think about places or sites they'd rather be.

Remember the old adage Keep It Simple Stupid? Write as though your audience is a bunch of twelve year olds. Don't sound patronising, but don't assume they know anything about your business or what you do. They have arrived laden with buring questions, "What are you selling?" "Why should I choose you?" "Where are you?" "How can I get some of this?" "How much is it?"

5. Appropriately tempt your audience
A lot of hot and personal activity goes down on the Internet, but lets face it, the technology itself isn't causing readers monitors to fog up. The content is what makes things exciting. The Internet itself is just an impersonal two-dimensional screen. Good copywriting might not always be intended to get the heart racing, but it must connect with your intended audience to break through this impersonal barrier. Maybe you need a little humor, sophistication, cold corporate speak, personal touch, or yes, even something racy.


jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Copywriting Basics - Answer The Questions You'd Want Answered

Copywriting Basics - Answer The Questions You'd Want Answered

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Anyone can write effective Internet copy. You just have to know a few copywriting basics known to journalists and writers as the 5 W's. Throw one "H" in there and all your copywriting basics are covered.
Who? Tell the reader who your product will help. This should be your target market.
What? Tell your reader what your product or service will do to improve their lives. In other words, tell them the benifits they will receive, what's in it for them.
When? When is t...

copywriting, copywriting basics, Web copywriting, Web copy, online copywriting, Internet copywriting

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Anyone can write effective Internet copy. You just have to know a few copywriting basics known to journalists and writers as the 5 W's. Throw one "H" in there and all your copywriting basics are covered.
Who? Tell the reader who your product will help. This should be your target market.
What? Tell your reader what your product or service will do to improve their lives. In other words, tell them the benifits they will receive, what's in it for them.
When? When is the offer good for? If there is a special offer, when does it expire? When will the product or service help them, immediately or over time?

Where? Where can you order the product or service? Where will it work?
Why? Tell your reader why he or she needs your product or service. Why will it benefit them? Why should they sign up or order today? Why is the quantity or offer limited?
How? How do they register or order? How much will it cost? How much return will they see for their investment? How does it work?
Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? There is no trick - it really is as easy as that. Put yourself in the shoes of the reader and answer the questions you would likely ask or want answered about your product or service. Answer those questions clearly and thoroughly and your Web copy is complete.

These copywriting tips and copywriting techniques will work not just for Web copywriting but also for direct market copywriting, other online copywriting, and offline copywriting as well.
Below are a few other copywriting basics that will help you write your web site copy:

1. Keep it simple. No one wants to drudge through a long, drawn out confusing explanation. If you can't say it simply, that's fine. But by all means, simplify when you can.

2. Make sure your copy urges a call to action either in the body copy, or text of the article, or in the headline. Words like "Act Now," "Limited Time Offer," or "Limited Supply" will urge your readers to contact you sooner rather than later.

3. Keep it honest. Don't make wild claims just to get business. Build a good reputation by being up front and honest with your potential customers. In addition to appreciating your honesty, they will recommend you to others as a business owner who is true to your word and claims.

4. If you make an offer, make it one that is hard to pass up. Don't waste your readers' time with small, worthless offers. Think about the coupons you see in magazines and newspapers. Do you take time to clip them? If so, it's because the offer is of value to you.

5. How long should your copy be? As long as it takes to adequately answer the above questions for your product or service.

An unanswered question is considered an objection in your potential customer's mind. So, be sure to answer all their objections.
Keep these Internet copywriting basics in mind as you prepare the articles or sales letters that will appear on your Web site. Don't be intimidated because you don't have any professional writing experience. Most people want to do business with an honest person who knows the product or service well that he or she is trying to sell.

You don't have to be a professional writer to do that. The only requirement is that you truely believe in the product or service which you are trying to sell. If you do, your enthusiasm will shine through your writing. If you do not believe in your product or service, your lack of enthusiasm will shine through also.

So, in summary, answer the above questions as clearly and simply as you can, be honest, avoid hype, make an irresistable offer, and be sure to include a call to action.

If you do all these things you will master the copywriting basics and should have no trouble converting your Website visitors into customers.


Copywriting 101: How to Get Your Customers to Take Action

Copywriting 101: How to Get Your Customers to Take Action

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Yes it IS possible to write marketing materials that get your customers to take action. (Best yet, it's easier then you think.)

Copywriting, advertising, print advertising, web site writing, writing print advertising, marketing, creativity

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If you want people to buy, you gotta ask for the sale.

Truly, it is that simple. Yet I can't tell you how many ads, Web sites, brochures, sales letters, etc. are floating around out there that aren't asking.

So, what is a call to action? It's telling people what action you want them to take. Typical calls to action include:

Hurry in today.
Buy now.
Call now.
Visit now.
Click here now.

Nothing terribly sexy, I agree. However, if you want to see an increase in your customers, leads, income, etc., this is an essential component.

But, you might be thinking, isn't it obvious? Why else would you be running an ad if you didn't want people to buy what you're selling?

Good question. And it's true, people do know (if they stop to think about it) that you would probably like them to buy from you.

However, the unfortunate truth is your potential customers aren't going to spend that much time thinking about it. People have too much going on in their lives to spend very much time and energy on your business. If they do read your ad or promotional material and it doesn't contain a call to action, they'll likely say, "Oh, that's nice" and go on to the next thing.

And even if they were interested in purchasing your offerings, they may not know what their next step should be. Do they pick up the phone? Go to a specific Web page? Visit a store? And if they don't know what they should be doing, chances are they won't do anything at all.

So you need to tell your potential customers what you want them to do. (Remember, people are busy, and if you don't make doing business with you easy, they probably won't do business with you at all.)

So, back to the above call to actions. Did you notice they all had something in common? The word "now" (or, in the case of the first one, "today").

If people think they can buy from you anytime, they'll say "oh, I can do this later." And later rarely comes. You need to give them a reason to buy from you right now, while they're interested. Adding the "now" or some other urgency or scarcity technique (maybe a limited time offer or few copies left statement) is a great way to push people into doing what you want them to do right now and not later.

While we're on the topic of calls to action, I want to talk about one other type of advertising campaign where you rarely see calls to action. These are called branding campaigns. Typically they're shown on national television by big corporations (MacDonald's, Nike, Starbucks, Target). In those instances, the businesses are building a brand that will cause you think of that business first when you're interested in purchasing their products. For instance, when you're hungry, you think MacDonald's. You need new athletic shoes, you think Nike. You're dying for that cup of joe, so you think Starbucks, etc.

While there's nothing wrong with branding campaigns, they are tougher to track than campaigns with a specific call to action (Sale ends Saturday, call before Friday to receive your free gift, etc.) Those campaigns are also called direct response because you're asking the customer to respond directly. Direct response campaigns can be tested, so you have a good idea what's working and what's not (and can tweak the campaign accordingly). And, if the campaign doesn't require getting a salesperson involved (i.e. if the call to action is for the customer to whip out his wallet right there) the campaign will just run itself (and make money all by itself).

(One note: You do need to do more than add a call to action to have a strong direct response campaign, but that doesn't negate the power a call to action can bring to your campaigns.)

Branding campaigns are nearly impossible to test, track and tweak. They either appear to work or don't appear to work. And if they don't appear to work, it's very difficult to start tweaking to improve the response rate.

However, branding is still very, very important. As a business owner, you need a good brand and you need to communicate that brand effectively. And sometimes it makes sense to run a branding campaign.

However, my advice for most situations is to combine branding and direct response. Your brand is clearly communicated in your ads and promotional materials, but you also take advantage of some direct response techniques at the same time.

If nothing else, make sure you don't forget the call to action.

Creativity Resources -- Write Your Call to Action

Want to include a call to action in your promotional materials but don't know where to start? Here's an easy step-by-step formula:

1. Figure out your purpose for the ad or promotional material. Why are you running this ad, creating this Web site, printing this brochure? (And no, an acceptable answer is NOT because everyone else has one.) Is it to generate leads? Get your name out there? Get people to buy? Or what?

2. Now write it down.

3. That's it. That's your call to action. Whatever the end result you want for the campaign is what you should be asking people to do.


martes, 21 de junio de 2011



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Provides an insight into the process of the designing and writing of effective, compelling and attractive copywriting.


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Copywriting is a special technique that allows you to promote the companies, individuals or some special events. Copywriting is one of the most significant elements of the advertising company. It should be considered the tool that helps your company to promote itself. Your returning clients already know the quality of the products and service that you provide and reliability of your business. However, most of people find or "discover" your site by the search terms they put into search engine boxes.

How the copywriting is performed? Whatever company you have and whatever products and services you provide you should stick to several important rules.  Despite the fact that copywriting has changed during the last decade due to the wide use of the internet some fundamental rules still apply. Copywriting might look simple and it should comprise several indispensable elements. First, it must have intriguing and appealing headline and induces your visitor to explore your text further. It must contain subheading where main features of the heading are restated. The most important part of the copywriting copy is certainly the body that reveals the major points of your text. It should be easy-to-read, logically structured and coherent. Several paragraphs that your copywriting content comprises a number of paragraphs that should restate the major idea of the content.

Ideal copywriting content should emphasize the advantages of the company, its uniqueness and clearly state why visitors should purchase at your company. One should remember that there are plenty of other companies and web sites, which might sell identical products and services. In order to be successful you should stand out from the crowd. This technique might apply in offline and online copywriting alike and if the technique is performed professionally it leads to the increase of the traffic on your web site. When writing the copywriting remember that one of the most important elements of the copywriting content is persuasion. One should persuade your visitors to take further actions and purchase some products or services at your company rather than other ones. If the principles of persuasion, action, desire and motivation are applied in your copywriting copy, one can be sure that it will bring the results.


Copy Makeovers Made Easy

Copy Makeovers Made Easy

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How to sell more of anything via effective, cheap, useful, fruitful and intelligent advertising. Specific strategies to increase your sales in any type of business, online or off, without spending a fortune on copywriting.

selling,sales,small business marketing,advertising,marketing,small business,business,sell more,make more sales

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Copy makeovers can work magic.

Perhaps all you need is a little medicine... and not major surgery. Take whatever sales copy you have now and modify it. Recast, rework and repackage what you've got.

Chances are you're sitting on some solid (yet hidden) sales material. Often simple copy makeovers can work wonders in terms of response. So, before you crumple it up and toss your sales letter in the trash, try tweaking it first. You might be surprised at the result.

Here are 3 simple steps to complete copy makeovers...

Copy Makeovers -- Strategy #1: Create A More Compelling Headline.

This is critical. The headline is the first thing your audience sees. It either "grabs" prospects by the jugular... or it doesn't. If the headline fails, nothing else matters much because it won't even get a fair reading.

Make your headline and/or sub-heading alluring. Talk to your prospect about what is most important to her. Think in terms of the BIG BENEFIT your product offers and deliver it in a captivating and compelling way.

Craft a handful of words that attract attention, identify specific target markets, and deliver enough interest and intrigue to pull true prospects inside. If you're struggling with your headline, just think about the greatest advantage your product offers and promise it right up front.

Copy Makeovers -- Strategy #2: Take The "YOU" Point Of View.

You're weight-loss story might be admirable, but what does it mean to your reader or prospect? Talk about yourself and the audience turns off. Talk to your reader one-on-one about something important in her life… and you've got her undivided attention – at least momentarily.

If you could re-shape your story... if you could express it in a way that was more meaningful to your individual readers, you'd quickly capture their interest.

There's a difference between telling your audience that you lost X number of pounds... and telling them how they can lose X pounds, enjoy the process, and feel terrific about their slim, new look.

Remember the old marketing phrase "What's In It For Me?" Everything your prospect reads gets filtered through this frame of reference. With each statement you make, your audience is thinking... "So What? What does this have to do with me in my situation? How does this help me?"

If the answer isn't obvious immediately, off they go and you lose the sale. Many times the decision to stay or go is made in the blink of an eye – and often unconsciously.

Copy Makeovers -- Strategy #3: Turn Your Bullet Points Into Irresistible, Benefit-Packed Mini-Headlines.

Make each bullet a "grabber" in its own right. Prospects tend to scan certain segments of an ad or sales letter, to determine if it offers something they really want.

While many marketers use bullets in their sales letters, most settle for weak bullet point copy -- copy that lacks enthusiasm and passion.

If you're going to employ this powerful sales tool, you might as well make the most of it. Craft your bullet points with the same emotion and magnetic appeal, as you'd inject into a major headline. After a while, this gets easier to do.

Bullet points are one of those sales letter components that have the power to quickly stimulate intense reader interest. Use them for all they're worth by making each point justify itself. Each and every bullet point should be capable of compelling the reader to read on -- with heightened desire and interest.

Before you do anything else, try implementing these simple copy makeover strategies. You just might notice an immediate improvement in your conversion rate.



lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

Choosing a Great Copywriter

Choosing a Great Copywriter

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What to look for next time you hire a creative genius!

copywriting, copywriter, marketing, promotion

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No two copywriters are the same.  So how do you know you're getting the best writer for the job?  Unless you know what to look for, choosing your copywriter can be a bit of a lottery.

The truth is, copywriters range from the great to the not-so-great.  Just like any other profession, there are high flyers, under-achievers, rogue traders and young pretenders.  And even if you bag a top banana for your project, who's to say they'll gel with you?  Or your product?  Your style?  Your chosen media?

The answer, of course, is research.  Knowing what you want and sniffing it out is wiser than saying yes to the first person with a ready typing finger.  But remember, a copywriter is someone who can - and should - do more than write.  Their greatest asset is curiosity.

Copywriters want to know the ins and outs of every little thing.  They're fascinated by human nature, knowing how to capitalise on motivations and get inside the consumer's head.  A good copywriter will research your market inside out, then look at you critically through your customer's eyes.  It's their curiosity - not their way with words - that finally helps them see your business in a whole new light.

Whatever your project, this is the first quality to look for in your copywriter.  Curiosity is the key to persuasion.  And persuasion is the only reason copywriters exist in the first place!

So, your copywriter needs a way with words - fairly obvious!  And they have to tick the curiosity box.  But you still need to whittle down the field and find the one you can spark off.  

Try asking yourself a few of these questions when you're weighing up a candidate:

Who's doing the talking?  Are they listening to you or talking about themselves?

How quickly have they grasped your business?  Not just your products, but also your marketplace?

Can they write passionately?  About anything?  Even the dullest product?  If they get you excited about sprocket valves, hire them on the spot!

Have they worked in your industry and chosen media?  If not, does their other work show they have a grip on your marketplace?

When you've chosen a suitable copywriter, you'll know you've made the right choice when you start offering feedback.  Professional copywriters thrive on constructive criticism - it's a surefire way of knowing they're heading in the right direction.  That doesn't mean they'll roll over and accept any changes you make, but they will keep an open mind and listen to every point of view.

When you offer feedback, however, you should see it as a two-way street.  You may have to let go of some of your preconceptions.  Great copywriters can realise why your current marketing isn't working, and won't shirk from telling you.  They'll be cruel to be kind.

But for now, these small measures should protect you against hiring the wrong person.  Of course there's no guarantee - creativity by its very nature demands that element of uncertainty.

But if hiring a copywriter really is a lottery, you should be pretty close to scooping five numbers plus the bonus ball...


Business To Business Copywriting Secrets

Business To Business Copywriting Secrets

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Let us show you how to increase your marketing results and get more qualified leads through effective, proven copywriting.

btob, copywriting, direct mail, marketing, advertising

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If you want to increase your marketing results and get more qualified leads, you will need to improve the effectiveness of the copywriting on your website, print ads, emails and direct mail.

This is vital because copywriting is your "salesperson in cyberspace, in print and in the mail" … and great salesmanship produces great sales … average salesmanship gets only average or worse results.

Here are the copywriting tips that will improve your marketing results.  These are proven based on our copywriting work for over 450 businesses since 1978.

This is a list of what your prospect is thinking as he reads your marketing copy.  It's important to make sure everything is addressed on this list.  If you do this, your marketing results will improve dramatically.

1.  You'd better have done your research to know what benefits I want most from your type of product or service.  If you don't, I won't even notice you, and if I do, I won't even give you a hearing.

2.  What do you do?  How will it help me? I need to know "what's in it for me" instantly or I'm gone.

3.  Why should I believe you?

4.  I already have a supplier for that – why should I listen to you?

5.  Make it easy for me to read, understand, navigate, and "scan" your marketing material.

6.  I want a specialized expert in your field for my situation or my needs or my type of business. 

7.  Don't bore me!  I'm sick of corporate talk, business buzz terms and mumbo-jumbo.  Almost all business marketing is very dull and boring and I won't read it.

8.  I want ALL the details and specs, including product information, product applications, CAD drawings and plans, costs and shipping.  A ThomasNet.com study finds a very large percentage of buyers say these details are not readily available.

9.  I want to read copywriting from a real live person talking to me person to person, and not from some emotionless corporation.

10.  I won't admit it on the record, but I make purchases based on my emotions.  Sure I need logic and features for verification, but if you can touch my emotions, I'm much more likely to buy from you.

11.  I badly want more from my life than just work.  I'm very interested in saving time, work and stress.

12.  Make it easy for me!  You list many different things I can do and I'm confused.  What one thing should I do now and why?

13.  Don't overload your website or brochure with fluff – stick only to relevant and helpful information I need.  I'm tired of all the irrelevant "filler" information on the web and I won't read through it anymore.

14.  Compare your product or service against your competitors for me if it is really as good as you say it is.  Be honest, as I'll see through any favoritism.

15.  Be specific; generalities go right into my garbage.

16.  What's your guarantee?

17.  How can I test your product, service or company first, in a low or no cost way, before I make a large commitment?

18.  Help me justify the investment to my boss on an ROI basis.

     These copywriting secrets applied properly are a main reason one website, direct mail piece or ad can pull 2 to 3 times the response as another for the same product or service.  This is why the most successful marketers hire the best outside freelance copywriters they can afford.


domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Basic Web Copywriting Checklist

Basic Web Copywriting Checklist

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Copywriting is one of the most important parts of internet marketing. Once you get visitors to your site, you must depend largely on your sales copy to convert the visitors into customers.

Sadly, many webmasters neglect the art of web copywriting. Copywriting truly is an art, but have a checklist of important points is also helpful. Here are some of the major components of good web copywriting.

1 – Your Headline
Does your headline grab the readers' attention and compel...


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Copywriting is one of the most important parts of internet marketing. Once you get visitors to your site, you must depend largely on your sales copy to convert the visitors into customers.

Sadly, many webmasters neglect the art of web copywriting. Copywriting truly is an art, but have a checklist of important points is also helpful. Here are some of the major components of good web copywriting.

1 – Your Headline
Does your headline grab the readers' attention and compel them to read further? It is essential that your headline do that. Web surfers generally move about on the internet very quickly. Research says that you have a matter of seconds to catch your website readers' attention, or they will move on. That is why your headline is so important.

2 – Your Introductory Copy
Do the first few paragraphs of your sales copy reinforce the headline, and convince readers to continue reading?

3 – Benefits
Does your sales copy sell the features or the benefits of your product or service? For example, does your site try to convince your readers that your vitamin C product is the best, or does your site try to convince your readers that your vitamin C product will give them the most health benefits?

4 – Call To Action
Does your sales copy clearly and compellingly tell your customer what action they should take after reading your website? (usually the desired action will be to buy your product)

5 – Assurances
Your prospects will only buy if they feel comfortable doing so. There are several things you can do to make them feel more comfortable buying from you, such as:

A: Displaying your picture
B: Displaying your contact data
C: A membership with the Better Business Bureau, etc
D: A Guarantee
E: A secure server logo

These 5 points are only a few of the most important parts of web copywriting. If you want to convert as many of your visitors as possible, study the art of copywriting and learn how to become a master copywriter!


Ad Copy Sparklers – 10 Ways to Spark Interest in Your Customers

Ad Copy Sparklers – 10 Ways to Spark Interest in Your Customers

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Add a little sparkle to your ad copy and increase your sales.

copywriting, ad copy, increase sales, sales

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Add a little sparkle to your ad copy and increase your sales. Get started today with one or more of these tried and true techniques.

1.Hand Written Letter. Write your ad on a piece of paper scan it, optimize it, then publish the ad on your web page. Your sales will always increase when you add a personal touch.

2. Publish Famous or Respected Customers.</b> Listing famous or respected customers who have purchased from you on your ad copy spark interest and trust. Others will think that if these people bought from you then they should also trust your business and purchase your products. Make sure you get permission from your customers before listing them on your website first.

3. Show Before and After Photos.  First show the problem picture. Besides this show the picture which show how your product solves the problem.

4. A Review.  Including a review about you, your business and or your product will instill respect for you with you customers. Increasing credibility increases sales.

5. Show Value. When offering free bonuses in your ad copy also list the dollar value beside each bonus. 

6. Hire an Endorser.Hire a famous person to endorse your product or service.  Make sure the person is well known to your target audience.  Include their picture along with their statement on your ad copy.

7. Include Your Picture. Showing people that you are not hiding behind your ad copy will increase their trust. Also include your contact information below the picture and a brief statement or quote.

8. Donate Percentage to Charity. Tell your potential customers on your ad copy that you will donate a specific percentage of their purchase to a specific charity. Doing this will show them you care about people. They may just buy your product to donate to that charity.

9. Ask Yes & No Questions. Ask potential customers plenty of yes and no questions in your ad copy. The questions should remind them of their problem, show how your product solves their problem and make them think what will happen if they don't purchase your product.

10. Offer a Prize. Tell your potential customers they will receive a free prize if they find the five words in your ad copy that are misspelled or spelled backwards.  The longer you can keep someone reading your copy the greater chance of them purchasing


sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

A Novice Guide to Become an Effective Content Writer

A Novice Guide to Become an Effective Content Writer

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If there is one role to be filled in the Internet which matters most to a website, it is none other than content writers.  Of course we could not ignore the fact that web designers and programmers are also important in giving a good website.  However, it is the content that matters to the audience.

content writer, content writing, seo content writing, writing

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If there is one role to be filled in the Internet which matters most to a website, it is none other than content writers.  Of course we could not ignore the fact that web designers and programmers are also important in giving a good website.  However, it is the content that matters to the audience. 

Contents are the traffic producers of a website.  In this age of information technology, almost everyone needs to get some information. Likewise, it is always a must to hire content writers to fill in the page of a website.  The website might have a good design. It might also be interactive, however without something to read on it, the website is as good as nothing.

Being a content writer does not only entails that one knows how to write.  It also means that one knows how to keep in touch with millions of audience worldwide.  Here are some good tips for an emerging content writer who wants to pursue his profession in Internet writing

1. Write Clearly and Direct to the Point

If a content writer would consider the millions of audience who will be reading his articles, the important goal for him is to communicate to his audience in simple and understandable words.  Some audience are not native English speakers, likewise, local slangs should be avoided. Standard English must be the language to be adopted for content writers

While some writers has the habit of writing long paragraphs just like a treatise, in content writing, this is one of the pitfalls the article would not be read by the audience.  The audience does not care about explaining further just like in a term paper.  They need to know the facts directly.   Writing straight to the point is a must for content writers.

2. Know The Purpose of Writing

One mistake most content writers have in content writing is the inability for them to stick on the bread and butter of the content. The basic rule of content writing is to know the purpose of what a content writer needs to write. The ideas must be centered on that purpose. 

Some content writers are take so much time in the fancies to the extent that a reader will be detoured on the its purpose.  If one would like to sell a product, a content writer must write something that would make it sell a product.  If promoting an event is necessary, a content writer must write something interesting to the audience that can help promote an event.

3. Style of Writing

One of the most important aspects of a content writer is his style of writing his piece. Some writers are just contented enough to write anything about the subject matter to the extent that coherence and transitions are ignored.  While content writers might have different style of writing, it must always take into consideration the organization of the written piece.  In this way, the audience can better understand if the written piece has the form and the substance.

Most of the content writers in the Internet are writing in a conversational tone.  Indeed, this is very helpful to readers. However, personal clichés and expressions must be avoided by the content writers. In this way, the written piece can be understood universally.

Perhaps, these three guides will help a content writer in his profession of pursuing his writing career in the internet.  But the most important thing a content writer must possess is his passion.  It is passion that drives him to do his thing.  One's creativity is crafted because of the passion for the thing.  Likewise, it is a must for writer to have be passionate in his writing endeavor.


sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

A Novice Guide to Become an Effective Content Writer

A Novice Guide to Become an Effective Content Writer

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If there is one role to be filled in the Internet which matters most to a website, it is none other than content writers.  Of course we could not ignore the fact that web designers and programmers are also important in giving a good website.  However, it is the content that matters to the audience.

content writer, content writing, seo content writing, writing

Article Body:
If there is one role to be filled in the Internet which matters most to a website, it is none other than content writers.  Of course we could not ignore the fact that web designers and programmers are also important in giving a good website.  However, it is the content that matters to the audience. 

Contents are the traffic producers of a website.  In this age of information technology, almost everyone needs to get some information. Likewise, it is always a must to hire content writers to fill in the page of a website.  The website might have a good design. It might also be interactive, however without something to read on it, the website is as good as nothing.

Being a content writer does not only entails that one knows how to write.  It also means that one knows how to keep in touch with millions of audience worldwide.  Here are some good tips for an emerging content writer who wants to pursue his profession in Internet writing

1. Write Clearly and Direct to the Point

If a content writer would consider the millions of audience who will be reading his articles, the important goal for him is to communicate to his audience in simple and understandable words.  Some audience are not native English speakers, likewise, local slangs should be avoided. Standard English must be the language to be adopted for content writers

While some writers has the habit of writing long paragraphs just like a treatise, in content writing, this is one of the pitfalls the article would not be read by the audience.  The audience does not care about explaining further just like in a term paper.  They need to know the facts directly.   Writing straight to the point is a must for content writers.

2. Know The Purpose of Writing

One mistake most content writers have in content writing is the inability for them to stick on the bread and butter of the content. The basic rule of content writing is to know the purpose of what a content writer needs to write. The ideas must be centered on that purpose. 

Some content writers are take so much time in the fancies to the extent that a reader will be detoured on the its purpose.  If one would like to sell a product, a content writer must write something that would make it sell a product.  If promoting an event is necessary, a content writer must write something interesting to the audience that can help promote an event.

3. Style of Writing

One of the most important aspects of a content writer is his style of writing his piece. Some writers are just contented enough to write anything about the subject matter to the extent that coherence and transitions are ignored.  While content writers might have different style of writing, it must always take into consideration the organization of the written piece.  In this way, the audience can better understand if the written piece has the form and the substance.

Most of the content writers in the Internet are writing in a conversational tone.  Indeed, this is very helpful to readers. However, personal clichés and expressions must be avoided by the content writers. In this way, the written piece can be understood universally.

Perhaps, these three guides will help a content writer in his profession of pursuing his writing career in the internet.  But the most important thing a content writer must possess is his passion.  It is passion that drives him to do his thing.  One's creativity is crafted because of the passion for the thing.  Likewise, it is a must for writer to have be passionate in his writing endeavor.